Friday, 25 July 2008


welcome friends, to what i hope to be, some little musings, stories, lessons, that i discover on my journey through this big wide world of life. i am on a creative adventure and it is fun! right now we are preparing to leave thailand in just less than two weeks time. my mind and heart are full, with so many incredible things i have seen and experienced. new friends, special relationships that i will dearly miss. i feel so much richer for having lived here the past year and a bit. there have been many personal experiences that have made this year harder than i thought life could be, but i feel new, and more real. more inspired. so much more inspired and ready to be me.

i am so grateful for the chance i’ve had to experience this beautiful land. this culture and these people. the fresh, relaxed, sometimes frustratingly slow, but mostly wonderful nature of life here. there are scenes that make my senses come alive. lush green fields of rice, farmers working tirelessly in the hot hot sun, to plant their crop and cultivate the muddy soil. a hazy mist, hovering over the never ending, towering and breath-taking mountain range. old ladies weaving cloth, starting with a single coloured thread. a tiny cart being pulled by a thin young man on a bicycle. cows, walking along side my travelling car. the smell of the market on a hot balmy night, and the freshness as it pours with rain, and the sound of crashing thunder. the smile of the cow soi lady, so happy as she heaps my plate with food. the beautiful faces and bountiful laughter of children who've been given a second chance. the overflowing hearts of our dear friends at companion. the best coffee i’ve ever tasted in my life, made with love, passion, and a desire for friendship, more than business.

there are many amazing, refreshing things about life here that i will greatly miss. but i am excited too, for the next chapter. excited to share the me that i have discovered, and try to share my heart, beliefs and passions with people whom i meet. i am more convinced than ever, that life starts when we meet our heart and don't deny it. when we find what it cares about, what it loves and craves, and become unafraid to let that drive us. it sounds simple, but it's really not. i think many hearts have been lost in a world of consumerism and well, just lost, for many reasons. it is a fight to get them back, a good fight, but still a fight. i am on my way, and i know i always will be...but as i go, i hope to find ever more friends to join me, and the ones who already have...

God made the world colourful, creative and designed to be individually united. i have seen it here. in the nature, and the people. the culture and traditions. somehow it is easier to see here. i don’t want to forget it. and i know i’ll be back. but i want to share it. expand it. find colour in the places where it’s not always so easy to see